While praying for years about God's direction for my life I felt strongly I was being led to spend my life and career in ministry. However, God has yet to show me what facet of ministry this will be. For a while I assumed because of the gifts God had given me it would be the path everyone takes: college, seminary, then hopefully a pastor position. While this may be where He leads me I realized and hated that I had assumed direction for my own life instead of trusting the Holy Spirit to guide me in where He wants me to go. So, I began to pray where God wanted me to go and what He wanted me to do with my life and I felt one simple answer, know me and make me known. However, as I continued to pray for specifics of where God wants me to be in ten years I had a conversation with a mentor from my church and He simply said, "Don't you think God is big enough to tell you what He wants to tell you when He wants to tell you it?” Obviously, the answer was yes and I realized that I needed to trust God Himself instead of simply trusting “His Plan” . Through this I began praying a different prayer, and the prayer was this, “God I'm trusting you with the path just please show me the next step.”
Not long after in perfect timing right as my senior year began coming to a close a man named Will Worthington, a staff member of SNGM, arrived on our doorstep to get a puppy from my parents He shared what He did and about the Gap Year and sent a link to Mom and just like that God presented the next step of the path. Afterwards, I discussed with trusted men in my life and prayed constantly about the opportunity and God has constantly affirmed this is the step I'm supposed to be taking. “What’s Next?” You may ask, I'm uncertain, but I am now certain of this, the horizon before me is large but the God I’m trusting to show the way is unfathomably larger!