“Who in here loves a good story?” I asked a group of students as the Spirit led me to shatter their expectations of what this Wednesday night service would be. I could tell they were uncomfortable by the fact that I ignored the stage and sat on a stool up close to them and on their level ditching the microphone I had been given. Nonetheless, they agreed that they all enjoy a good story by signaling with brief hand raises. “Life with the Spirit is an adventure," I told them as I let them know I was ditching my original teaching plans because of His promptings. I then took a moment to talk to Father out loud about Himself and then about them and then thanked Him for the moment we were experiencing. I then took a deep breath and said, “I want to tell you about the most interesting person I've ever met, what do y'all think?” They all complied however their expressions seemed skeptical.
“His name is Iam”, I said as I adjusted my posture to slightly lean in, not all too sure where this was going but trusting the Spirit would see through what He had initiated. “Who in here has a friend named Ian?” I asked in response to the confused faces. Again, many of them raised their hands. “It's like that but with an M instead of an N”, I explained and they seemed to get the point. From here I launched into the story, “Iam is an old man and He has been around a long time, however, He’s the kind of old man you can tell is really really strong. He’s also incredibly creative and wise, there's a rumor in my hometown that He knows all there is to know.” Keep in mind for these Kids my small town in Kentucky may as well have been Mars and they were clueless about my upbringing and story. From here I continued, “I am ashamed to say however I did not share in their fondness of Iam, I actually hated Him, and was born hating him. I would often showcase my heart by doing unspeakable things to Him. Also, He put out no trespassing signs on His property and I would rebel against these things just for the sake of rebelling. Every line Iam set, I crossed out of spite. But perhaps the greatest display of my hatred for Iam was my downright apathy towards Him and who He was. One of the things that makes this guy so interesting however is that even though I had done all these things to Him He was always so kind to me, and He always had this look in His eye that showed me it was genuine. Matter of fact, it seemed as if He made direct efforts to be with me and around me, in spite of all I had done. These efforts afforded Him all the more opportunities to be kind to me. Quite frankly His
kindness in the face of my hatred, pardon my language, pissed me off! And one day I decided I was fed up with it.
So I waited in His neighborhood watching as He drove away leaving His house empty, or so I thought, and I took gasoline and a match and began burning it to the ground. To my surprise, I thought I heard a voice inside as I did this, but I decided it was not going to stop my plan. Plus, I figured if they were inside Iam’s house they probably deserved what was coming to them. Later I came to find out there was someone inside, and it was Iam’s adult son Joshua, whom the fire burned very severely. He was then rushed to the hospital where he nearly died. He too felt the sting of my hatred for Iam in a very real and experiential way.
Days later, thinking I had gotten away with it, I was in my kitchen when a group of police officers burst into my house with a warrant and arrested me. They then took me down to the local jail where I awaited trial. After a few days, I was escorted into a courtroom and was seated by the officer. On my way in I caught a glimpse of Iam and Joshua but kept my head down out of shame for what I had done. However, while sitting there awaiting court to be in session a gentle yet firm hand grasped my shoulder, I turned and found the hand was Iam’s. I was shocked but also terrified of what He might do to me. However, with the same kindness in His eye that He always had He said, ‘You're gonna be okay’. He smiled at me and returned to His seat.
That day the jury deemed me guilty, for burning Iam’s house down and for the attempted murder of His son, and I was charged with the death penalty for all I had done. They then ushered me out of the room and I was frantic knowing I was only hours away from my death. In that cell, void of any Hope, I sat awaiting my punishment. A few hours later the guards entered and ushered me out of my cell and down the hall towards the room where my fate would be sealed. As I walked down the hall I was terrified and void of any hope, but when I stepped into the room my eye immediately looked at the electric chair, to my surprise however, it was already occupied.
Joshua’s lifeless corpse was sitting inside it, His head bowed and skin pale. Another man with His back to Joshua unable to look at Him was weeping in the corner, it was Iam. As soon as I realized who it was I was immediately fearful and I looked down at my feet. Iam then walked over to me, placed one hand on my shoulder, and with his other he gently lifted my head. His eyes held the same kindness as always but this time a tear rolled down His cheek as He said, ‘Gage I love you deeply, and so did Joshua, and together we decided He would die in your place. He suffered terribly to right your wrongs and offer you a new way of life. However, you must know, his sacrifice for you is not automatically applied. We love you too much to force you into accepting our offer. You must choose either to let His death be for nothing and continue in your brokenness and hopelessness or turn from your old way of life, trust me, and accept what Joshua has done for you. What do you choose?’ I didn’t know what to say, I was shocked. My mind whirled with thoughts and doubts about Iam and what He offered, however, His kindness and Joshua’s dead body assured me He was telling the truth. ‘But I deserve death and He didn't.’ I responded. ‘And that’s not fair to you Iam nor was it fair was it fair for Joshua.’ I said looking at him and then turning to look at the body in the chair. ‘Plus, that just doesn't make sense for you to do such a thing! Especially for someone as undeserving as me.’ I said confused. Just then Iam looked at me with great love glimmering in His eyes and He said to me, ‘Joshua and I are far more concerned with our love for you than we are being fair or making sense.’ And in response to His great love, through my tears, I simply responded, ‘Yes, I accept what He did for me.’, and instantaneously the handcuffs fell off my hands and feet. Iam then turned to me, embraced me, and said with great power, ‘I declare you innocent forever! You are free.’
I wandered aimlessly down the street, my mind clouded with confusion and my eyes filled with tears. I went back and forth between being excited about the gift of freedom Iam gave me and being in awe of the price He paid for me to have it. The thought of Him allowing His son to die for my sake I could hardly fathom and thoughts of Joshua’s sacrifice made me cry. Above all else Iam’s love for me was clear, no one would do such a thing for someone they didn’t love. I knew Iam loved me but I doubted He liked me very much, especially after causing Him so much pain. Eventually, I decided to return home to get some sleep and continue processing things in the morning. So I called an Uber and was completely silent as they drove me home. Upon arrival, I stumbled up to the front door and walked inside assuming I was alone. To my surprise when I entered I saw Iam sitting at my kitchen table with Joshua sitting next to Him. He was alive!”
Here I paused, looked at the students, and asked “Has anyone heard a story like this before?” Some of the students were now in the know and had recognized this was symbolism and allegory for the gospel but many were very confused. Some of them still thought I committed arson and was a convicted felon which I found slightly funny. I found out after, even the youth pastor believed I committed arson until I said I “got the death sentence” for it haha. I then switched gears because it was important they understood the symbolism of the story to grasp what was coming next. ”Who knows the story of the burning bush?” I asked, and a few students briefly raised their hands. “In that story, the Bible tells us Moses asked God for His name and what does He say?”, a senior in high school smiled and said, “I AM”. “Yes”, I responded, “God told Moses His name is I AM, God the father is Iam in the story.” I said, then moved onward, “1300 years later a man walked the streets of Jerusalem claiming to be the Son of I AM and then died for the sins of the world. Does anyone know His name?” “Jesus”, many of them answered. “You’re right”, I said “but in Hebrew, this name would be Yeshua, which also can be translated as Joshua. Jesus is Joshua in the story. Many of you have said you have heard this story before, but there’s a second part which is much less told but just as true.”
“Now let’s return to the story”, I told the group. “As I entered the room what do you think happened? What do you think Iam said? How do you think Joshua treated me? Why do you think they were there?” Total silence filled the room and I let it marinate for a while. No one had any idea why the two were there. They had heard the first part of this story in church a thousand times growing up but likely never what came next. “How about I finish the story?”, I told them. They silently agreed and again I leaned in trusting the spirit to guide my words.
“As soon as I stepped in the door Iam immediately stood up and ran to me with great kindness in His eyes and wrapped me in a giant hug. This told me He had been waiting there for me. The hug lasted much longer than a normal hug, telling me He actually wanted to be doing it. For most people, it would have been uncomfortably long but I needed it. As He held me, our proximity allowed me to notice my heartbeat perfectly matched that of His own. He then pulled me away from Himself with his hands on the sides of my shoulders so He could look me in the eyes and He said, ‘Gage I have something for you.’ Joshua then walked over and handed Him a ring and He took it and put it on my finger. Joshua then showed me His hand, still scarred from the fire and the electricity from the chair, on it was the exact same ring. Iam still holding my shoulders, looked at me with His kind eyes and a giant smile and said, ‘Gage, today you have become my son. And that ring on your finger displays that. I love you son.” And He again embraced me in a hug. As He held me against His chest I could feel His heartbeat again, still perfectly in sync with that of my own.
Although I needed His hug and affection I panicked and pushed myself away. I looked at Him, afraid as I entertained doubts about Him. ‘How could this be?’ I asked. ‘Don’t you remember all that I did to you? Joshua, aren’t you mad I burned you? Aren’t you guys mad at me? Iam aren’t you mad? After all, it’s my fault your son died!’ He looked at me with the same kindness in His eye He always had and let me voice all of my concerns. ‘How could you make me your son after all the things I’ve done?’ I said. When I finally ran out of words to describe my angst. He smiled at me and said, ‘What things? Joshua handled all of that in the electric chair! Leave it there. As far as I am concerned I remember it no more! I have thrown all of it into the sea of forgetfulness! I have removed that from you as far as the east is from the west! Do you understand son or do I need to explain further? After all, the east and the west never cross.’ He stated this sternly, not in a mean way, but in a way that let me know He meant it. ‘I get it Iam.’ I said. ‘Please son, call me father.’ He quickly responded. ‘Are you sure? I don’t feel worthy to do that, plus I want to honor you. I feel Mr. Iam, Iam, or even master, sir, or lord would be more fitting. Don't you think ‘Father’ is a bit inappropriate coming from me?’ I said looking at my feet. ‘Son’ He said patiently, ‘feelings are great followers but terrible leaders, never listen to them instead of your father. Your father is telling you this; all those things you said you wanted to call me may be true but nothing and I mean nothing honors me more than when you call me Father. It too acknowledges my lordship over your life but it also recognizes our intimacy, an intimacy your brother gave His life for!’ ‘Okay Father’, I responded as I watched His face light up with joy, just that word made Him smile from ear to ear and He wrapped me again into His strong arms pulling me close so I could hear our hearts beat in sync once again. This feeling was like a rainstorm in the desert nourishing the very core of my soul. But again doubts arose and as I entertained them I pulled away.
‘Father, what if I do it again?’ I asked. ‘What if I mess up and fall into my old way of thinking and living? What if I hurt you and Joshua again? What if I disobey you? Will you remove this ring from my finger? Will I still be able to call you father?’ ‘Son look at me’ He said, lifting my head to meet His kind eyes. ‘You will do it again. You will mess up. You will disobey. There will be seasons of you falling into your old way of living and thinking, relying on yourself to navigate life instead of me. But those things were also handled in that electric chair! That ring will never and I mean never be taken from your finger. You are my son and that will never ever change!’ In order to further emphasize His point He showed me His palm, written there was this statement, ‘Gage Gregory Lynch is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased!’. Astonished, I stared at it and He motioned for me to touch it and I did. ‘Try to rub it off He told me’ and I did, it felt wrong but I remembered to trust Him instead of my feelings. My attempt did not alter it in the slightest. Joshua then brought me a rag and rubbing alcohol. ‘Try this’ He said. I looked to my Father for direction and He nodded approval so I did as my new Brother said. However, I did so in vain. It did not alter it in the slightest. Father then said, "Son, try as you might, neither you, nor anyone, nor anything else could possibly remove your name from my hand, it was written in eternal ink, it was written in the blood of your brother. You are my beloved son and always will be!’ Overwhelmed by this revelation I grabbed Him and hugged Him as tight as I possibly could and said, ‘Thank you, Dad’. My eyes streamed tears of joy onto His shirt as He walked me over to the couch where we sat together. There in His arms, I experienced the deepest rest I've ever known and I thought, ‘I'd like to spend eternity here, safe within the arms of my father and secure due to the finished work of my brother.’ ”
Silence filled the room for a good while as I let what they had been told mellow. “How many of you have ever heard that side of the gospel story I asked?” No hands were raised. “Well, it was borrowed, I admitted. It was borrowed straight from the pages of scripture. If you open them long enough, you come to know this story is true of you as well.” I then concluded by saying, “How many of you would like to spend time with a God like that?”, and they all raised their hands. “Well this will be good news then,” I said with a smile. “Truth is, you can!” He’s actually waiting for you to get alone with Him and open this love letter He wrote to you. There He will begin to reveal Himself to you as you begin to pursue His heart. And before long you’ll begin to experience exactly what I did in the story, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg of what life with father is like.” I then again took the honor of talking to Father about Himself and then about them and then released them to small groups. And when they left the room I smiled thinking, “Life with You is a wild ride, but I’d never want it any other way.”