Dear Team,
I have now officially been in Nashville for one full week and I can honestly say God has stretched me and forced me to depend on Him like never before. I now live in a new city, with a new house, living with new people, with a new schedule, doing everything in a new way, learning new things about people from throughout the world I've never known and I would have never known in small-town Kentucky.
I've been in a Hindu Temple and watched as people worshiped the creation rather than the creator bowing down to many idols. In order to worship these idols, rituals are done to invite each “god” to reside there to be worshiped, a role which the enemy and his demons are all too happy to play. The darkness and demonic presence in the room hiding inside and behind each of these idols was extremely clear to me, as one who has been born again. To them, however, they don't know any difference, they've never experienced life in Jesus, they've only experienced the work and acts of these demons used to deceive them into worshiping idols. My heart was broken as I watched people, the souls of men, women, and children that God so desperately loves, duped into worshiping the enemy and his demons. However, tears ran down my face afterward when I learned that 1.4 Billion people are in India, an unreached people group, meaning less than 2% are Christians. And these people are doing the same thing worshiping the same idols and spirits day in and day out, never hearing the good news of Jesus.
I've been in an Islamic mosque and listened as an esteemed Muslim tried to convince us of the 5 acts and 6 beliefs we must use to work ourselves to “Allah”. While he himself admits neither he nor any other Muslim ever knows if they’ve done well enough to make it. And the sad thing is according to the bible it is impossible to work our way to God anyways, therefore he, nor any other Muslim will ever make it. When someone countered with the gospel He was unwilling to even try to rationalize someone else taking our punishment. “It wouldn't be fair,” he countered, “and Allah is fair!”. And he’s right, It's not “fair” and that's part of the beauty of the gospel! I thank God that He’s not fair! Instead, I praise God for being just and yet unbelievably gracious! He also made a counterclaim to a statement of someone else saying, “Allah never chases after anyone, He’s too dignified to chase.” The amazing thing about that is even while making the statement “Allah doesn't chase” the One True God is actually chasing after him because He’s madly in love with him. However the heart of this man, like approximately 1.9 billion other Muslims (the majority of which are unreached), has been so hardened by his works-based system he does not acknowledge God’s pursuit of him, and the gospel makes no sense to him. However, perhaps that's the beauty of the gospel, it doesn't make sense. I too am unsure why God would ever love us enough for the gospel to be true, but I am sure of this: He does!
I've heard the stories of refugees that were forced out of their homelands in violent terrible ways leaving family and friends likely never to see them again. Many of them long for their former homes and lives and don't want to be here. Most of them endured long processes of seeking asylum before they ever even made it to this country. Their lives were destroyed and completely disrupted leaving many young people without any opportunity for education during their years upon years in refugee camps with far less than ideal conditions. Only to arrive here with little to no prior education and be forced to learn at the same level and in the same way as an American high schooler their same age who grew up in the school system since they were in preschool. I've helped tutor students who want to learn and are very intelligent but struggling in our school systems because of their lack of resources and education. A system mind you they never asked to be put in and that doesn't accommodate nor fit where they are academically. And while living with parents who many of which used to be very successful in their own country with careers and businesses that they were forced to leave behind only to come here and work oftentimes several jobs with low pay just to survive. And while tutoring I've heard the whisper of a struggling young girl say, ”I miss Africa.” Luckily, each day we tutor these students armed with this good news: Jesus offers a heavenly homeland to any who would choose to follow Him!
And each day I have returned home hungry and tired, only to be fed and provided for by God Himself through the faithfulness of His people. And I rest in Him spiritually as I physically rest in the bed and house he has provided for me through the generosity of those whom He has led to give. And I lay my head on the pillow, reminded God is good, and He is incredibly gracious and tomorrow He will be the same! Then each morning my alarm clock goes off and I wake up with my bills paid, food in the fridge to nourish my body for the day ahead, electricity to light my bible study, and the prayers of those God has placed on my team going with me as I head out for the ministry God has prepared for me that day. And I am reminded He’s a good God, with a good plan, and He’s worthy of my trust!
May you all look into the eyes of Christ and be all the more captivated by the love you find there. I thank and praise God for you all! - Gage Lynch